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MIL-STD-1472 Compliance

The Astro Space UX Design System is designed to support the development of custom space applications with established interaction patterns and best practices. To this end, Astro UXDS strives to achieve compliance with applicable DOD design standards. Astro 7 was audited to determine its level of compliance with relevant items in Section 5.17 (Information Systems) of MIL-STD-1472, and as of September 29, 2022 this is our assessment of Astro UXDS compliance.

For the items determined to be Non-Compliant, we are looking at the level of effort to achieve compliance.

For the items determined to be Not Applicable to Astro UXDS, many times the onus is on the application developer to ensure compliance for those items is met. Astro UXDS often offers guidance or components that can help achieve compliance, but cannot do so directly.

If you have a question on Astro compliance or would like to give feedback, please submit your input here.

Astro UXDS 7.0 Compliance
5.17Information systems.
5.17.1General. interface. Computer programs and equipment interfaces shall provide a functional interface between the system for which they are designed and users of that system.Compliant with personnel. Interfaces shall be compatible with the work performed by, and the cognitive processes of, personnel.Compliant performance. The interface should minimize conditions that can degrade human performance or contribute to human error.Compliant content. Equipment interfaces provide a functional interface between the system for which they are designed and users of that system. This interface should optimize compatibility with personnel and should minimize conditions that can degrade human performance or contribute to human error.Compliant The system shall not require mechanical overlays.Not Applicable contamination. Displays or indicators that show the presence of CBRNE agents shall also show when such agent contaminations decrease to safe levels.Not Applicable
5.17.2Command dialogs. language. Command language may be used for tasks that involve a wide range of user inputs and where user familiarity with command language can be used to take advantage of the flexibility and speed of this control technique.Not Applicable viewpoint. Command language commands shall be logically related to the user’s expectation of what the commands will initiate.Not Applicable distinctiveness. Command names shall be distinct from one another.Not Applicable and special characters. The command language dialog shall minimize the use of punctuation and special characters.Not Applicable All commands and corresponding abbreviations shall be identical across systems and platforms.Not Applicable location. Commands shall be entered and displayed in a standard location on the software user interface.Not Applicable prompts. The user shall be provided a means, such as prompts or tooltips, to determine required parameters or available options for command entry.Not Applicable The command language shall accommodate the skill levels of users ranging from novice to experienced.Not Applicable definition of macro commands. The command dialog shall not allow a user to name macros with existing command names (“reserved keywords”).Not Applicable techniques for command editing. Command and data entries shall be edited using the same techniques.Not Applicable commands. If a command entry has destructive consequences, the system shall display the consequences of the command so that the user may review and cancel or confirm before it is executed.Not Applicable and answer. Question-and-answer dialogs may be used for routine data entry tasks where data items are known, their ordering can be constrained, and where users will have little or no training.Not Applicable displayed separately. For multiple questions in a dialog box, each question shall be listed separately.Not Applicable response area. When responses are required for a question, each question shall have a separate and distinct response area.Not Applicable prior answers. When a series of system-posed questions are interrelated, answers to previous questions shall be displayed if they provide context to help a user answer the current question.Not Applicable document capability. When questions prompt entry of data from a source document, the question sequence shall match the data sequence in the source document.Not Applicable language. organization of data. Query languages should reflect a data structure or organization perceived by users to be natural. For example, if a user would have reason to suppose that all data about a particular topic would be stored in one place, then the query language should permit such data to be retrieved by a single query, even though various pieces of data may be stored in different computer files.Not Applicable representation of data organization. A single representation of the data organization for use in query formulation shall be established (i.e., the user does not need to know if different queries will access different databases via different routes).Not Applicable wording. Users shall be able to specify the data being requested in a query without being required to specify where the data are stored.Not Applicable to link queries. The query language should be designed to include logic elements that permit users to link (e.g., “and”, “or”) sequential queries as a single entry.Not Applicable large-scale data retrieval. If a user’s query request will retrieve a large amount of data, the user shall be provided the options to continue, cancel, or refine the query during processing.Not Applicable of remaining time. When processing takes a long time, the user shall be provided with an indication of the status that includes an estimate of the proportion remaining in terms of either time or amount.Not Applicable
5.17.3Visually displayed menus. types. menu bars. Drop-down menus contain a list of contextual commands that are presented in a menu bar along the top edge of a window. The menu bar shall contain a set of menu category labels (e.g., Edit) from which drop-down menus are accessed.Compliant Drop-down menus and the associated menu bars should be used when there are more than three commands and categories.Compliant windows. Drop-down menus and menu bars should be used when commands appear in primary windows (i.e., popup dialogs).Compliant Submenus shall consist of a group of options related to a higher-level toolbar menu item.Compliant menu options. Submenus should allow additional menu options to be viewed without increasing the length of the overall menu.Compliant length. Submenus may be used to shorten the length of a long menu when a higher-level menu item may be used to describe several related functionalities.Compliant needed functions. Submenus should not be used for functions that are frequently needed and accessed.Compliant An indicator (e.g., a right-pointing triangle) should be used to display the presence of a submenu on a higher-level menu.Compliant of options. When the higher level option is selected, the options shall be presented without further input from the user.Compliant of levels. Submenus should be limited to three levels (i.e., Main>Sub1>Sub2) to ensure discoverability of nested items.Compliant bar. Users should interact with menu bars by left-clicking the menu category within the menu bar to open the drop-down menu command list.Compliant menu. Toolbars may be used to graphically present command actions for easy and efficient access.Compliant in primary windows. Toolbars should be used in primary windows to provide a small number of icons as immediate commands.Compliant in secondary windows. Toolbars should not be used in secondary windows, with text-only commands, with crowded icons, and with non-immediate commands (e.g., configuring a filter).Compliant options. Toolbar options that are fixed should be limited to those commands used most frequently by a large percentage of users. Alternatively, a means may be provided for users who wish to configure them to have access to frequently accessed options.Compliant labels. Toolbars with icons shall provide labels via a tooltip (hover over to show label).Non-Compliant icons. Non-standard icons should be avoided but if present, shall provide labels via a tooltip (hover over to show label) and should include fixed-text labels.Non-Compliant Toolbar menus should be left-clicked for devices like mice and trackballs to make a selection.Compliant menus. Ribbon menus separate dedicated task commands within a window. In these menus, a list of task-related commands appears under an active tab. Ribbon menus may be used when there are multiple menu categories with items under each category.Compliant and context menus. Right-click menus may be used to provide contextually relevant options and actions pertaining only to the selected item or pane.Non-Compliant of accomplishment. Right-click menus shall not provide the only method of accomplishing any command.Non-Compliant Right-click and context menus shall not include options that cannot be accessed elsewhere by a means that is apparent.Non-Compliant Right-click menus should be available to initiate basic and frequently used commands.Non-Compliant substitute. Right-click menus shall not be used as a substitute for primary menus (e.g., drop-down menus).Non-Compliant menus. menu use. Interactive menu selection shall be used for tasks that involve little or no entry of arbitrary data, users that may have relatively little training, or a command set that is too large to commit to memory.Compliant method. Selection of devices shall be in accordance with the criteria in through A mouse or other pointing input device (including touch technology) shall be an available method for menu selection (see If menu selection is accomplished by pointing, a selection action shall be made to initiate the command (i.e., left click of mouse or tap for touch input).Compliant Each submenu shall have a title that clearly identifies the purpose of that menu.Compliant pages. Menus shall not consist of multiple pages of options.Compliant option presentation. Menu options that are not available shall either not be presented or be greyed out to make it clear that they are not available.Compliant consistency. Menus shall be presented in a consistent format throughout the system and across other related systems the user is expected to operate.Compliant Menus shall be readily accessible at all times.Compliant sequence. Menu selections shall be listed in a logical order, such as alphabetically or by frequency of use.Compliant menus. If the number of selections can fit on one page in no more than two columns, a single menu may be used. If the selection options exceed two columns, a hierarchical menu structure should be employed.Compliant presentation. Textual menu options should be presented on separate lines to ensure that the items are discriminable and selectable.Compliant function call. A direct function call capability shall be provided for frequently used options.Not Applicable commands. Shortcut commands (e.g., “control C” for copy) should be provided for frequently used actions.Non-Compliant coding. When selections may be made by keyboard shortcuts, the shortcuts associated with each alternative option shall be included next to the menu option.Non-Compliant shortcuts. If menu selections are made by keyboard entry of alphanumeric codes, the options shall be coded by letters that are associated with the name of the option or standard shortcuts rather than by more arbitrary codes.Non-Compliant Keyed codes shall not duplicate any other user function codes.Non-Compliant in structure. When menu selection traverses multiple levels, all of the levels shall remain visible until the selection is made.Compliant hierarchy. A menu tree showing the menu hierarchy shall be included in the user manual or online Help section.Non-Compliant A tooltip should be displayed over an item as the user hovers the pointer without clicking on the item.Non-Compliant Menus may use icons to represent the control options.Compliant being used. When possible, icons should be consistent with icons that are currently being used in other systems, familiar to the user, and used consistently within an application.Compliant menu use. Graphic menus may use icons to represent control options and be consistent within an application.Compliant
5.17.4Form filling dialogs and dialog boxes. entry. Data entry functions shall be designed to establish consistency of data entry transactions, minimize input actions, minimize memory load on the user, ensure compatibility of data entry with data display, and provide the user control over data entry.Compliant pacing. The pace of data entry shall be controlled by the user, rather than by the system.Compliant feedback. The system shall provide feedback to the user regarding the acceptance or rejection of an entered datum.Compliant time. Feedback response times shall be in accordance with Applicable delay. Where system overload or other system conditions results in a processing delay, the system shall acknowledge the data entry and provide an indication of the delay to the user.Compliant time. The system should provide some indication of the completion time or of the fraction of the process completed.Compliant action. Each data entry shall require an explicit completion action, such as pressing an ENTER key or other key (e.g., TAB key).Compliant Data entries shall be validated by the system for correct format, legal value, and range of values prior to processing.Compliant data. The user shall not be required to enter data already available to the software.Not Applicable units. Data shall be entered in units that are familiar to the user.Not Applicable
5.17.5Cursors. Cursors shall meet the criteria in through The user shall be able to adjust the sensitivity of the cursor movement to be compatible with the required task and user skills where appropriate. The user’s ability to adjust the sensitivity of the cursor movement shall only be provided where adjustment of this control could not adversely affect the ability to fulfill the mission.Not Applicable cursor. The cursor shall have differing visual attributes that distinguish various usages, such as selecting an object or editing text.Compliant cursor position. The current cursor position on graphic or image processing application displays that require precise positioning shall be indicated by displaying a distinctive cursor symbol that indicates a point (e.g., a plus-sign or crosshairs whose intersection can mark a position with reasonable precision).Not Applicable The cursor shall not obscure displayed entities.Not Applicable boundaries. The cursor shall not move beyond the display boundaries (off of the monitor) and disappear from sight.Not Applicable movement using arrow keys. If the cursor is moved by pressing a key, releasing the key shall cause the cursor to stop moving.Non-Compliant positioning. Where data entry requires exact placement of graphic elements, users shall be provided the capability for expansion of the critical display area (e.g., zooming and panning) to make the positioning task easier and more precise.Not Applicable position. The home position for the cursor shall be consistent across similar types of displays.Not Applicable actuation. A separate explicit action distinct from cursor position, (i.e., pressing a button or toggling) shall be required for a control selection.Compliant cursor positioning. Where cursor positioning is incremented in discrete steps, the step size of cursor movement shall be consistent horizontally (in both right and left directions), and vertically (in both up and down directions).Not Applicable cursor control.Non-Compliant designation. When position designation is required in a task emphasizing keyed data entry, cursor control shall be available by the keyboard, preferably using the arrow keys.Not Applicable of control. If keys other than the arrow keys are used for movement (as with an abbreviated keyboard), the display should clearly indicate the means of control.Not Applicable relationships.Not Applicable expectations. The response of a cursor to user input shall be consistent and compatible with the user’s expectations.Compliant in corresponding direction. For cursor control by key action, the cursor shall move in the corresponding direction of the arrow key that was pressed (i.e., left arrow to left, right arrow to right, up arrow up, down arrow down).Not Applicable by joystick. For cursor control by joystick, movement of the control shall result in the cursor moving in the corresponding direction (i.e., left movement moves the cursor to the left, right movement moves the cursor to the right, push movement moves the cursor upward, pull movement moves the cursor down).Not Applicable responses. Cursor responses to movements of other controls shall be in accordance with or to the movement-related provisions of the applicable control specified in 5.1.Compliant delete action. Data deletion or cancellation shall require an explicit action, such as pressing a DELETE key.Compliant deletion. Permanent deletion (in the absence of an “undo” function) of more than one character shall not be allowed without an affirmative response to a validation query.Not Applicable
5.17.6Form filling. Form filling interactive control may be used where some flexibility in data entry is needed.Compliant Displayed forms shall be organized to group related items together.Compliant and content consistency. The format and content of displayed forms shall duplicate in every major parameter the (paper) form it is intended to represent.Not Applicable through form fields. When using TAB or ENTER keys to advance through form fields, the system shall require a response for every data entry field; advancing through a field (i.e., leaving a blank) for which no entry is desired shall require an explicit action (TAB or ENTER keystrokes).Not Applicable Fields or groups of fields shall be separated by spaces, lines, or other delineation cues.Compliant of fields. Required fields shall be distinguished from optional fields.Compliant labels. Field labels shall be distinctively presented such that they can be distinguished from data entry space.Compliant cueing. Labels for data entry fields shall incorporate additional cueing when the data format could logically be made in more than one format (e.g., “DATE (MM/DD/YYYY): _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _”).Compliant labels. Descriptive wording shall be employed when labeling data fields.Compliant codes. Use of arbitrary codes shall be avoided.Not Applicable labels. Top-aligned labels shall be used when labels are long or the form requires horizontal space for grouping related input fields.Compliant space limited. Top-aligned labels shall not be used if vertical space is limited.Compliant labels. Right-aligned labels shall be used for forms that require users to quickly scan labels and may be used when vertical space is limited.Non-Compliant labels. Left-aligned labels shall be used when a form requires users to carefully consider labels.Compliant vertical space. Left-aligned labels shall not be used when labels are so long that they do not allow for data entry in the same vertical space.Compliant default position. When a form is displayed, a displayed cursor shall be positioned at the first data entry field by default.Not Applicable advancement. The cursor shall be advanced to the next data entry field by the TAB key or the ENTER key when the user has completed entry of the current field.Compliant Exceptions to using the ENTER key for advancement occur in cases where some fields require or allow multiple lines to be input; in which case, only the TAB key shall be used to advance the cursor.Not Applicable length indication. The maximum acceptable length for variable length fields shall be displayed.Not Applicable characters inputted. An indication shall be provided to the user if the maximum number of characters has been inputted.Compliant Characters other than those indicating format that must be overwritten shall not be entered into unfilled data fields by default.Not Applicable units. When a consistent dimensional unit is intended as the unit of entry in a given field, the dimensional unit shall be provided by the computer to the right of the field.Non-Compliant dimensional units. When the dimensional unit may vary for a given field, the user shall be informed and a separate field with options shall be provided to the right of the numeric field for the entry of units from a drop down list.Compliant omissions. The user shall be informed when required data entries have not been entered.Compliant areas. Non-entry (protected) areas of the display shall be displayed in a way that makes them distinguishable from areas where data may be entered.Compliant by cursor. Non-entry areas shall be inaccessible via the cursor.Not Applicable data entry. When multiple data items are entered, the user shall be allowed to re-enter, change, or cancel any item before submitting.Compliant order. Where no source document is involved, forms shall be designed so that data items are ordered in a logical sequence of input.Compliant boxes for control entry. Dialog boxes may be used as an aid for composing complex control entries or for selecting options. For example, for a print request, a displayed form might help a user invoke the various format controls that are available.Compliant
5.17.7Notifications, messaging, and dialogs. presentation using speech output. Where possible, speech outputs should be used in applications that are expected to be used in conjunction with another activity that requires focused visual attention or hands-free response.Not Applicable output design. Design of speech displays shall conform to the criteria in 5.3.10.Not Applicable The device shall have a hands-free method of activation and deactivation.Not Applicable Speech recognition should be used when: a. The consequences of recognition errors are low. b. Identifying and correcting errors would be easy. c. Use is expected to be infrequent. d. The device has an alternative method of input so that speech recognition can be turned off when it is not desired.Not Applicable methods. method use. Visual displays of communication (e.g., chat) shall be provided under the following conditions: a. The message is very complex, long, or may need to be referred to at a later time. b. When the message does not necessarily call for immediate action (e.g., can be addressed after receiver has finished current task). c. When the auditory system of the receiver is overburdened. d. When the environment is too noisy to ensure reliable receipt of an aural message. e. When the receiver will remain in a position where they can continue to watch the visual displays. f. When joint communication is required (particularly with non-native English speakers).Non-Compliant communication. Visual displays of communication (e.g., chat) shall not be the only means of real-time communication of critical information if high workload situations are to be expected. See 5.3.1 for situations in which auditory information should be provided to the user.Non-Compliant Audio notifications should be programmable and available for instances such as arrival of new message, message from certain individuals, and messages that contain certain key words.Non-Compliant Applicable text. Message text should automatically be saved for long-term storage. Additionally, a mechanism for short-term saving of text should be implemented for use during a session.Not Applicable after viewing. A confirmation that the communicated message has been seen should be sent to the sender during real-time, two-way discussions.Not Applicable typing efficiency. Features such a voice-to-text, auto-fill, hotkeys, and pre-formatted messages should be used to increase chat efficiency by reducing typing time.Non-Compliant The contents of the message should be able to be read via a text-to-speech system if the user is not able to view the window.Not Applicable integration. Chat windows should be integrated into primary displays that require attention to help keep user focus on the displays.Not Applicable lexicon. A standardized lexicon should be provided to ensure that information in the message can be understood across staffs.Not Applicable displays. Audio displays may be used as part of the information presentation, where: a. The common mode of visual display is restricted by overburdening or user mobility needs and it is desirable to cue, alert, or warn the user. b. The user will be provided feedback after control actuation, data entry, or completion of timing cycles and sequences.Not Applicable function. Audio signals used in conjunction with visual displays shall be supplementary to the visual signals.Not Applicable user. Audio signals shall be used to alert users to the appropriate visual display.Not Applicable characteristics. Signals may be one-time or intermittent.Not Applicable signals. Intermittent signals shall be automatically terminated when no longer applicable or terminated by user control. For more information on signal characteristics, see 5.3.4.Not Applicable settings. Alarm settings shall be in accordance with the criteria in and settings. When alarm settings are user-customized, users shall be permitted to view status information regarding current settings established as critical.Compliant status. Alarm status information shall be provided where responsibility may be shifted from one user to another (e.g., as in changes of shift).Compliant
5.17.8Windows and window interactions. from diverse sources. Web portals shall bring information together from diverse sources in a single location.Compliant area. Each information source shall get its own dedicated area on the page for displaying information in a portlet.Compliant The title of a portlet should be a short descriptive phrase that clearly indicates the subject of the portlet (see figure 95).Compliant screens. If the portlet presents multiple screens of content, a name that indicates the particular screen should be included with the portlet title or appear as a heading in the content area of the portlet.Compliant name part of title. When a screen name is part of the title, the format should include the portlet name followed by the screen name using the format “Portlet Name – Screen Name”.Not Applicable name as part of portlet title. When a screen name is included in the portlet title, it should not be duplicated as a heading in the content area of the portlet.Not Applicable bar. The title bar of a portlet shall include action buttons (i.e., decorations) that allow the users to perform the following functions: a. Detach – Allows the user to open the portlet in a separate browser window. b. Edit – Allows the user to open a page for changing the appearance or content of the portlet. c. Help – Allows the user to open a page with information about how to use the portlet and its functions. d. Maximize – Allows the user to maximize the portlet to the full size of the browser window. e. Open and close – Allows the user to toggle the portlet between displaying the full page and displaying the title bar only. f. Properties – Allows the user to open a page with information about the portlet (e.g., version, author). g. Refresh – Allows the user to update the contents of the portlet when the content may change over time. h. Remove – Allows the user to remove the portlet from a page. i. Restore down – Allows the user to return a maximized portlet to its original size.Non-Compliant buttons. Portlet action buttons shall be presented in the same order in each portlet in a portal.Compliant of portlets. A page should not contain more than seven portlets.Compliant height. The portlets should fit within three or fewer screens in vertical height in order to minimize the amount of scrolling required to view them.Non-Compliant for multiple tasks. A portlet that supports tasks within a page should be available in multiple pages in which users might be required to support those same tasks.Not Applicable for specific roles. The portlets that are common to specific roles should be access-controlled via privilege levels. For users who do not have permission to see certain portlets or groups of tasks associated with a particular role, the tab or other control that provides access to that content should be hidden and unavailable for retrieval by users lacking the relevant permissions.Compliant portlets. A portlet may be a fixed-width, or it may adjust to fit the width of the column where it is placed. A fixed-width portlet should be used in layouts with fixed-width columns. A variable-width portlet may be used in layouts with either fixed- or variable-width columns and self-adjust to fit the fixed width when used in a fixed-width portlet.Compliant portlets. Variable-width portlets shall display all content correctly regardless of portlet size.Compliant control. Portals should support public key infrastructure (PKI)-based access so users can log in once and automatically be authenticated to all components and applications to which they have access.Not Applicable pages. A portal shall include a public page that users can access prior to logging on to the portal.Not Applicable page content. The public page should provide organizational information (e.g., mission overview, points of contact), information about how to register for a certificate or obtain an account, and either a means for direct log-in or a link to the log-in screen for the portal.Not Applicable Users should be allowed to make changes to unrestricted portal pages or to add or delete default and customize pages when permitted by the portal owner.Compliant areas. Those content areas, which can be changed, shall be predefined and selectable.Compliant
5.17.9User guidance. Feedback that presents status information, confirmation, and verification of input throughout system interactions shall be provided.Compliant status. System status information regarding operational modes and availability shall be accessible to users, either automatically or by request as needed.Compliant responses. Every input by a user shall produce a consistent perceptible response output from the computer.Compliant form. If the feedback is not presented visually, an alternative form of feedback (e.g., sound) shall be provided.Non-Compliant response time. Maximum system response times for critical systems (e.g., fire control systems, command and control systems) shall not exceed the values provided in table V.Not Applicable systems. Non-critical systems may permit relaxed response times.Not Applicable or predecessor systems. System response times for critical and non-critical systems shall not exceed the response time of equivalent existing or predecessor systems.Not Applicable processing indication. When computer response times will exceed 1 second, the system shall provide a message indicating that the system is processing. For remotely handled automated systems, see 5.12.Compliant performance time. The time required to accurately complete a standard time-sensitive action or sequence of actions (including system response times) shall not exceed the time to complete the same action(s) on equivalent existing or predecessor systems.Not Applicable processes. The system shall provide warning information when a command is invoked that will be time-consuming or resource-intensive to process.Not Applicable time-consuming processes. The system shall provide users an option to abort time-consuming processes.Compliant processing. When system processing requires a user to wait before taking further action, an appropriate message or icon shall be displayed until user interaction is again possible.Compliant message. Where the delay is expected to exceed 1 second, the system shall provide a status message.Compliant indicator. For delays exceeding 10 seconds, the display shall provide a progress indicator.Compliant input rejection. If the system rejects a user input, feedback shall be provided to indicate the reason for rejection and the required corrective action.Compliant option selection. Any items as an option or input to the system shall be highlighted to indicate acknowledgment by the system.Compliant outcome. When a control process or sequence of related actions is either completed or aborted by the system, the system shall provide an indication of the outcome to the user.Compliant actions. Following an aborted action, the system shall provide any requirements for subsequent user action.Compliant message content. Feedback messages shall be explicit and informative.Compliant Feedback shall not require a reference system or codebook to be understood.Compliant abbreviations. Non-standard abbreviations should be avoided in feedback messages.Non-Compliant
5.17.10Error management. correction. An easy means for correcting erroneous user entries shall be provided.Compliant correction. The system shall permit partial correction of entries.Compliant detection. A capability to detect and correct errors after keying in but before entering into the system shall be provided.Compliant data breaks. Error checking shall occur at logical data entry breaks, such as at the end of data fields rather than characters to minimize disruption.Compliant software checks. Software shall provide checks of user entries for validity of item, sequence of entry, completeness of entry, and range of values.Compliant entries. The system shall require the user to acknowledge entries that have irreversible or potentially destructive consequences prior to their being implemented by the system.Compliant message content. error. Error messages shall describe the error simply and provide diagnostic information in terms of the application rather than system function (e.g., “too many characters” vs. “stack overflow”).Compliant user. Error messages shall instruct the user how to recover from the error or escape from the error situation.Compliant and neutral tone. Error messages shall be constructive and neutral in tone, avoiding phrases that suggest a judgment of the user’s behavior.Compliant with user understanding. The error message shall be written in a manner consistent with the user’s understanding and expected level of knowledge of the system.Compliant entry and confirmation. When the user enters correction of an error, such corrections shall be implemented by an explicit action by the user (e.g., actuation of an ENTER key).Non-Compliant correction acknowledgement. The system shall acknowledge all error corrections by the user either by accepting the corrected entry or by providing a separate error message for an erroneous entry.Compliant in elements not normally visible. References to errors in elements of the system not normally visible to users shall not be included unless the user has explicitly requested detailed diagnostic information for programmer-level troubleshooting.Not Applicable description. If a simple error message is presented, users shall be provided access to a more detailed description of the error.Compliant timing. Error messages shall be provided within 0.2 second of the time in which an error is detected.Compliant recovery and process change (multi-level “undo”). The user shall be able to stop a control process at any point in a sequence and easily return to previous levels in multi-step processes in order to nullify an error or effect a desired change.Not Applicable errors. Spelling and other common errors shall not produce valid system commands or initiate transactions.Not Applicable common misspellings. The system shall recognize common misspellings of commands and inform users of unrecognized entries, provide a similar correct entry, and display the recommendation for revision and confirmation by the user.Not Applicable in stacked commands. To prompt for corrections of an error in stacked commands, the system shall display the stacked command sequence with the error(s) highlighted. Where possible, a procedure shall be provided to correct the error and salvage the stack.Non-Compliant correction procedure. When possible, a procedure shall be provided to correct the error and salvage the stack.Not Applicable execution. If the error was not detected until after some of the commands in the stack have executed, the system shall provide a message to inform the user which commands were successfully executed.Compliant of erroneous entries. An error message shall be displayed continuously until either the error is corrected or the user dismisses the error message.Compliant error correction. Automatic correction of user errors by the system should be provided if: a. The error being corrected has a unique solution. b. The correction of the error is apparent to the user. c. The automatic correction functionality can be disabled upon user request.Not Applicable of error messages. Error messages shall appear as near as possible to the user entry that caused the message but not obscure any control or display area the user requires to perform the task.Compliant information. If an error message obscures task-relevant information, a means for the user to move the message shall be provided.Non-Compliant error messages. If a user repeats an entry error, the second error message shall be revised to include a noticeable change so that the user may be certain that the computer has processed the attempted correction.Non-Compliant
5.17.11Simultaneous access. or more users. When two or more users must have simultaneous read access to a computer program or data processing results from separate interfaces, operations by one person shall not interfere with the operations of another person unless mission survival may be contingent upon preemption.Not Applicable If preemption occurs, provisions shall be made so that the preempted user can resume operations at the point of preemption without information loss.Not Applicable
5.17.12Help. In addition to the requirements provided herein, detailed guidance and best practices may be found in ANSI\HFES 200.3. The system shall provide built-in guidance by allowing users to easily access built-in technical help.Compliant error management aids. Help shall be available through explicit error management aids (labels, prompts, advisory messages) and implicit aids (cueing).Compliant action to request help. A simple standard action shall always be available for the user to access help.Compliant help. At a minimum, built-in help shall include definitions of allowable options, system capabilities, procedures, and ranges of values.Compliant sensitive help. Context-sensitive help shall be specific to the context from which it was accessed. After initial access, the system shall provide the user the ability to query the help documentation.Compliant cross-referencing. Individual built-in help displays should contain enough information to respond to a user’s query even if this capability produces redundancy in the built-in help system as a whole.Compliant The help section should contain a list of abbreviations and acronyms that are used in the main application.Not Applicable help. If an initial Help display provides only summary information, more detailed explanations shall be available via user query or drill-down.Compliant help terminology. Online documentation, offline documentation, and help instructions shall use identical terminology to describe or define identical concepts or processes.Compliant help. For systems expected to have novice or infrequent users, a system-initiated Help function may be used. When provided, such functionality shall have the following characteristics.Compliant System-initiated help shall only provide help specific to the user’s current task or context.Compliant System-initiated help shall not interfere with or obscure any control or display area the user requires to perform the current task.Compliant to enable and disable. A relatively novice user shall be able to disable and enable system-initiated help functionality with minimal effort.Compliant
5.17.13Prompts. Prompts shall be in accordance with the criteria in through Prompts and help instructions shall be used to explain commands, error messages, system capabilities, display formats, procedures, and sequences as well as to provide data.Compliant for special modes. When operating in special modes, the system shall display the mode designation and file(s) being processed.Compliant confirmation. Before processing any user requests that would result in extensive or final changes to existing data, the system shall require user confirmation.Compliant abort operations. When data entries or changes will be nullified by an abort action, the system shall require user confirmation.Compliant for missing data. When missing data are detected, the system shall prompt the user to supply the missing data.Compliant display. Prompting messages shall be displayed in a standardized area of the displays.Compliant prompts. Prompts and help instructions for system-controlled dialog shall be explicit.Compliant Prompts shall be presented in such a way that the user is not required to memorize lengthy sequences or refer to secondary written procedural references in order to respond.Compliant clarity. Prompts shall be clear and understandable.Compliant schemes. Prompts shall not require reference to coding schemes or conventions that may be unfamiliar to occasional users.Compliant
5.17.14Information content. of information. The amount of information required shall be in accordance with the criteria in through Information displayed to a user shall be clear enough to allow the user to perform the intended mission.Compliant Information displayed shall be limited to the precision required to perform specific actions or to make decisions.Compliant for displayed data. Each data display shall provide contextual information, including data from prior displays as necessary.Compliant operator and maintainer information. Operator and maintainer information shall not be combined in a single display unless the information content, format, and timeliness support the needs of both users.Compliant density. Critical information shall be separate and distinct enough to be salient from non-critical information.Compliant of information. Information shall be presented in accordance with the criteria in through Applicable text. Information shall be displayed in language appropriate to the user’s level of training and be as specific as possible to the user’s particular application.Non-Compliant Abbreviations should be in accordance with JSSG-2010.Not Applicable abbreviations. New abbreviations, if required, shall be developed using logical rules.Not Applicable Abbreviations shall be distinctive to avoid confusion.Not Applicable Words shall have only one consistent abbreviation.Not Applicable No punctuation shall be used in abbreviations.Not Applicable Definitions of all abbreviations, mnemonics, and codes shall be available to access within the system.Compliant information. Quantitative information shall be displayed in accordance with the following rules.Not Applicable digital displays. Digital displays shall be used when the task requires identifying a specific numeric quantity.Compliant display. Analog or graphic displays shall be used when the comparison of quantities is important.Compliant of quantities. Numeric digital displays shall not be used as the only display of information when the comparison of quantities is important for accurate interpretation.Compliant displays. Hybrid displays, which combine both digital and analog or graphic displays, shall be provided when a task requires both identification of a specific numeric quantity and the ability to compare quantities.Compliant Displays of quantitative information shall include units of measure.Compliant
5.17.15Format. data. Critical data shall not be obscured by pagination or scrolling.Compliant usable form. Information shall be presented to the user in a directly usable form that does not require the user to transpose, compute, interpolate, or mentally translate the information into other units, number bases, or languages.Compliant consistency. output consistency. The content of displays and their formats shall be consistent within a system and across systems that are used by the same users.Compliant between output and input. The same format shall be used for inputting data and displaying the output within a task (e.g., a date entered in the form of “mm/dd/yyyy” will be outputted in the same form).Compliant data field labels. Recurring data fields within a system and across systems used by the same users shall have consistent labels.Compliant data fields. Data fields to be compared on a character-by-character basis shall be positioned one above the other with alignment of characters to be compared.Compliant of recurring data fields. Recurring data fields within a system and across systems used by the same users shall occupy consistent relative positions across displays.Compliant of data entry formats. Whenever data has to be entered by hand, order and format should be as consistent as possible.Compliant messages in dialog boxes. Messages that are critical or that require user acknowledgment (e.g., error messages) shall appear in their own dialog boxes.Compliant numbering. Each page of a multiple-page display should be labeled to identify the currently displayed page and the total number of pages, if applicable (e.g., “Page 2 of 5”).Compliant titles and headers. Each display shall be labeled with a title or header.Compliant The title or header shall be unique within the system.Compliant The title or header should be positioned at the top left corner or centered on the page.Compliant The title or header shall briefly describe the contents or purpose of the page.Compliant The title or header shall be meaningful enough to be learned and remembered easily.Compliant of frames. Frames shall border the window.Not Applicable Frame identification shall be prominently displayed in the top left corner of the frame.Not Applicable Frame identification shall not exceed the size of the frame when resized to its minimum size.Not Applicable Frame identification shall be meaningful enough to be learned and remembered easily.Not Applicable Frame identification shall describe the content within that frame.Not Applicable At least one blank line shall separate the frame identification and the body of the frame.Not Applicable of multiple displays. All displays necessary to support a user activity or sequence of activities shall be grouped together.Compliant of use. Displays used most frequently shall be grouped together and placed in the optimum visual zone.Compliant Important or critical displays shall be located in the optimum projected visual zone or otherwise highlighted.Compliant and sequence. Displays shall be arranged in relation to one another according to their sequence of use or the functional relations of the components they represent such that order in functional groups provide a viewing flow from left-to-right or top-to-bottom. This requirement does not apply to master warning, caution, or advisory indicators.Compliant The arrangement of displays within a system shall be consistent in principle from one application to another.Compliant
5.17.16Use with individual protective equipment. Where users may be required to use visual displays while wearing CBRNE or other mission-required PPE gear, displays shall be designed for foveal vision under relatively high levels of illumination; displays in the peripheral field of view shall only be used to attract attention.Not Applicable
5.17.17Grouping within a display. Information or data shall be ordered in accordance with a specific purpose or context. When the purpose or context does not suggest a method of grouping information or data on a display, they may be grouped according to the following guidelines listed in order of preference.Compliant and sequences. When data fields have a naturally occurring order, such as chronological or sequential, such order should be reflected in the format organization of the fields.Compliant by importance. Displayed data items that are critical or require immediate user response may be ordered at the top of the list.Compliant by function. Sets of data that are associated with specific questions or related to particular functions may be ordered together to signify those functional relationships.Compliant by frequency. Data items used more frequently than others may be ordered at the top of the list.Compliant
5.17.18Text and alphanumeric presentation. station signals. Aircrew station signals shall be designed using the guidance of JSSG-2010.Not Applicable character and symbol sizes. When measured from the greatest anticipated viewing distance, the height of alphanumeric characters and pictorial symbols shall subtend not less than 2.9 milliradians (10 minutes) of visual angle and should subtend not less than 4.5 milliradians (15 minutes) of visual angle.Not Applicable character and symbol sizes for viewing from ejection seats. Aircraft display characters and symbols that must be read in flight shall subtend not less than 7 milliradians (24 minutes) of visual angle.Not Applicable stroke width. Assuming that the character height conforms to, stroke width shall be not less than 0.0834 nor greater than 0.1667 of the number of pixels used for character height.Not Applicable width. Character width shall be approximately 0.9 of the height.Not Applicable size and image quality for complex shapes. The size of a symbol or graphic shall be such that all text or graphics embedded within the symbol (e.g., label within symbol) shall subtend not less than 2.9 milliradians (10 minutes) of visual angle from the greatest anticipated viewing distance.Not Applicable characteristics. Font style shall enable discrimination of similar characters (e.g., letter l/number 1, letter Z/number 2).Compliant font. A common standard font shall be used (e.g., Arial, Times New Roman, Courier, Verdana).Compliant Where users must read under adverse conditions (e.g., poor lighting), a sans-serif style shall be used (e.g., Arial, Verdana, Helvetica).Compliant gear. Display characteristics (e.g., legibility) shall be compatible with viewing while wearing a CBRNE or other mission-required PPE protective mask.Not Applicable with PPE. Symbols viewed while wearing a CBRNE or other mission-required PPE mask shall subtend not less than 5.8 milliradians (20 minutes) of visual angle.Not Applicable organization. When five or more alphanumeric characters are presented, they shall be separated into groups per their natural organization and punctuation schemes (e.g., “mm/dd/yyyy”, “(123) 555-6789”, and “123-45-6789”).Compliant of letters and digits. When a code consists of both letters and digits, common character types shall be grouped together.Not Applicable When five or more alphanumeric characters without natural organization are displayed, characters shall be grouped in blocks of three to five characters.Non-Compliant of groups. When five or more alphanumeric characters without natural organization are displayed, groups of characters and digits shall be separated from one another by a minimum of one blank space.Non-Compliant numeric fields. When five or more numeric characters without natural organization are displayed, long numeric fields shall be punctuated with commas, spaces, or slashes.Compliant zeros. Leading zeros shall not be used in numerical data.Not Applicable
5.17.19Text and program editing. Text and program editing shall be in accordance with the criteria in through When appropriate, when inserting characters, words, or phrases (e.g., editing), items to be inserted shall be collected in a buffer area and displayed in the prescribed insert area of the screen for subsequent insertion by user command.Compliant commands. Edit commands, such as MOVE, COPY, PASTE, INSERT and DELETE, for adding, inserting, or deleting text and program segments shall be provided.Not Applicable edit commands. In text editing, editing commands shall be based on character, word, sentence, paragraph, and higher-order segments.Not Applicable edit commands. In program editing, the special commands shall be based on lines or subprograms.Not Applicable lines. Program lines shall reflect a numbering scheme for ease in editing and error correction.Not Applicable checking. Line-by-line syntax checking shall be under user control.Not Applicable controls. For editing programs or tabular data, cursor tab controls or other provisions for establishing and moving readily from field to field shall be provided.Compliant edit commands. Where editing commands are made by keying into the display, the editing commands shall be readily distinguishable from the displayed textual material.Not Applicable text. Where text has been specified to become the subject of control entries (e.g., for underlining, bolding, moving, copying, or deleting), the affected segment of text shall be highlighted to indicate its boundaries.Compliant search. A string search capability shall be provided to allow the user to specify a string of text (words, phrases, or numbers) and request the computer to advance (or back up) the cursor automatically to the next (or previous) occurrence of that string.Compliant search variance. The string search capability shall provide the flexibility to select search variance.Not Applicable word wrap. An automatic word wrap (carriage return) shall be provided when the text reaches the right margin for entry or editing of unformatted text.Compliant of word wrap. User override of automatic word wrap shall be provided.Not Applicable control. A means shall be provided for users to specify required format control features during text entry or editing (e.g., margins, tab settings, line spacing).Not Applicable formats. When text formats must follow predefined standards, the required format shall be provided automatically.Compliant formats as a user option. Where text formats are a user option, a convenient means shall be provided to allow the user to specify and store the formats that have been generated for particular applications for future use.Not Applicable used text. The capability to label and store frequently used text segments (e.g., signature blocks, organizational names, call signs, coordinates), and to later recall (copy into current text) stored segments identified by their assigned labels shall be provided.Not Applicable and foot of file. The means shall be provided to readily move the cursor to the head (beginning) or the foot (end) of the file.Not Applicable
5.17.20Organization of information. Every element on a display shall be labeled unless its purpose is intuitively obvious to the intended user populationCompliant User-requested element identification (e.g., tool tips) is acceptable where space constraints preclude the use of labels.Non-Compliant characteristics. Labels should adhere to the following requirements: values. Default values shall meet the following requirements. when feasible. To reduce user workload, default values shall be used where feasible.Compliant automatically. Currently defined default values shall be displayed automatically in their appropriate data fields with the initiation of a data entry transaction.Compliant The user shall be able to indicate acceptance of the default by a single keystroke.Compliant default value. The user shall be able to replace any default value during a given transaction without changing the default definition.Compliant default values. The user shall have the option of generating default values if the system has not provided them.Not Applicable options. Where a series of default values has been defined for a data entry sequence, the user shall be able to accept those default entries.Not Applicable data. Tabular data shall meet the following requirements. Tabular data displays shall be used to present row-column data to aid detailed comparison of ordered sets of data.Compliant formats. Location of recurring data shall be consistent among all tabular data displayed and common throughout the system.Compliant When tabular data are sorted within rows, it should be in increasing order from left to right. Tabular data sorted within columns should be in an order dictated by context.Non-Compliant When tabular data are divided into classifications, the classification titles shall be displayed.Compliant extension – titles. When tabular data extend over more than one page vertically, the columns shall be titled identically on each page.Compliant extension. Tabular displays should not extend over more than one page horizontally.Compliant extension – titles. If horizontal extension over more than one page is required, the rows shall be titled identically on each page.Compliant and informative labels. Rows and columns shall be labeled distinctively to guide data entry.Compliant of numeric entry. Users shall be allowed to make numeric entries in tables without concern for justification. The computer shall right-justify integers or justify with respect to a decimal point if present.Not Applicable units of measurement. The units of displayed data shall be consistently included in the displayed column and row labels.Compliant column spacing. The widths of columns containing the same data elements shall be uniform and consistent within a table and from one table to another.Compliant row spacing. The heights of rows containing the same data elements shall be uniform and consistent within a table and from one table to another.Compliant scanning cues. A column separation not less than three spaces shall be maintained.Compliant scanning cues. A group of rows shall be separated at regular intervals of not more than every five lines.Compliant arrangement. Items in lists shall be arranged in a recognizable order, such as chronological, alphabetical, sequential, functional, or importance.Compliant lines. Each item in a list shall start on a new line.Non-Compliant extension. Where lists extend over more than one display page, the last line of one page shall be the first line on the succeeding page.Not Applicable multi-line items in a list. Where a single item in a list continues for more than one line, such items shall be marked in some way (e.g., blank line, indentation) so that the continuation of the item is obvious.Non-Compliant ordering in multiple columns. Where items in a list are displayed in multiple columns, items shall be ordered vertically within each column.Compliant numerals. When listed items will be numbered, Arabic numerals shall be used rather than Roman numerals.Non-Compliant structure for long lists. Where lists are long and must extend beyond a single displayed page, a hierarchic structure shall be used to permit the logical partitioning into related shorter lists.Compliant
5.17.21Graphic and representational displays. user interfaces. See ANSI/HFES 200 for additional graphical user interface guidance. from displayed attributes. During graphic data entry, users shall be allowed to specify attributes for displayed elements (e.g., text font, plotting symbol, line type).Not Applicable The capability to specify attributes for displayed elements should include examples that illustrate the available options.Compliant graphic elements. Users shall be provided some means for designating and selecting displayed graphic elements when manipulation of those elements is required. Normally this function is performed by a pointing device or cursor.Compliant current attributes. The attributes that will be affected by a change shall be highlighted.Not Applicable storage and retrieval. The user shall be provided a means for saving and retrieving graphic data displays.Not Applicable data registration. The computer shall provide automatic registration or alignment of computer-generated graphic data so that variable data are shown properly with respect to fixed background or data map at any display scale.Not Applicable graphic formats. Where graphic data must be plotted in predefined standard formats (e.g., target areas on maps, flight plans), templates or skeletal displays shall be provided for those formats to aid data entry.Not Applicable size. When editing graphic data, users shall be provided with the capability to change the size (scale) of any selected element on the display rather than delete and recreate the element in a different size.Not Applicable critical data. When a user’s attention must be directed to a portion of a graphic display showing critical or abnormal data, that feature shall be highlighted with some distinctive means of data coding.Compliant derivation of graphic data. Common or complex data computations, such as curve fitting or plotting a list of coordinates, should be performed by the system upon user request.Compliant orientation for labels. The text on dynamic graphic displays shall remain upright when the displayed image rotates.Compliant of scale. If a map or other graphic display has zoom functionality, the current zoom level or scale shall be displayed.Compliant accuracy. If applicable, the current display accuracy shall be displayed.Not Applicable The system shall provide accurate numeric information for any point on the graphic display upon request from the user.Compliant grids. Any displayed grid lines shall be unobtrusive.Compliant of data elements. Displayed grid lines shall not obscure data elements.Compliant line suppression. Users shall be provided the option to suppress or display gridlines.Compliant and charts. Graphs and charts shall be in accordance with the criteria in through axes. The axes of graphs shall be labeled.Compliant lines. When trend lines are to be compared, they should be displayed on a single graph.Non-Compliant index. When a user must compare graphic data to some significant level or critical value, that level or value shall be included in the display.Not Applicable annotation. When precise reading of a graphic display may be required, the capability to supplement the graphic representation with the represented numeric values shall be provided.Not Applicable scaling. When users must compare graphic data across a series of charts, the same scale shall be used for each chart.Not Applicable scale only. Where graphs are presented, only a single scale shall be shown in each axis, rather than including different scales for different curves in the graph.Not Applicable shapes and lines.Not Applicable shapes. When shape drawing is required, users shall be provided with aids for drawing shapes.Not Applicable lines. When line drawing is required, users shall be provided with aids for drawing straight line segments.Not Applicable intersecting lines. When a user draws the end of a line segment in close proximity to a displayed element, the system should automatically connect between the line segment and displayed element.Not Applicable The user shall be provided a means to override the automatic line segment connection feature.Not Applicable lines and figures with numeric coordinates. When lines or figures must be drawn to represent numeric coordinates, computer aids shall include methods for entering the coordinates and selecting the appropriate units for those coordinates.Not Applicable
5.17.22Specific purpose user interfaces. displays. values. Alphanumeric values that change in real time shall be updated according to the criteria in through reading. Values that the user must reliably read shall not be updated more often than once per second.Not Applicable rate of change. Changing values that the user uses to identify rate of change or to read gross values shall be updated three to four times per second.Not Applicable rate. Update rate should be in accordance with programmatic-specific requirements.Not Applicable freeze. A display freeze mode shall be provided to allow viewing any selected frame that is updated or advanced automatically by the system.Not Applicable from freeze. A single action option shall be provided to allow resumption at the freeze point or at the current real-time point.Not Applicable freeze prohibition. The user shall be prohibited from entering display freeze mode when doing so would have an adverse effect on the mission being performed by the system.Not Applicable feedback. A label shall be provided to remind the user when the display is in the freeze mode.Not Applicable Displays requiring refreshed information (e.g., head-up displays) shall be updated in a synchronous manner.Not Applicable and alerting. Devices displaying simultaneous and integrated information (e.g., multifunction displays) shall alert or cue operating personnel to information prior to it becoming critical within the display.Not Applicable display. copy. The system shall provide the capability for the user to obtain a paper copy of the exact contents of the alphanumeric or digital graphic display, where mass storage is restricted, mass stored data that can be lost by power interruption, or where record keeping is required or desirable.Not Applicable print. The system shall provide the capability for the user to print a display screen by simple request (e.g., PRINT-SCREEN).Not Applicable page. The system shall provide the capability for the user to request printing of a single page or sequence of pages by specifying the page numbers or printing all pages without specifying page numbers.Not Applicable displayed as printed. The system shall provide the capability for the user to display text as it will be printed, including underlining, boldface, subscript, superscript, special characters, special symbols, and different styles and sizes of type.Compliant printing options. In printing text, the system shall provide the capability for the user to select among available output formats (e.g., line spacing, character size, margin size, headers, footers) and to specify the pages of a document to be printed.Not Applicable and message transmission. integration. Data transmission functions shall be integrated with other information handling functions within a system such that a user is able to transmit data using the same computer system and procedures used for general entry, display, and other processing of data.Not Applicable procedures. Procedures for preparing, sending, and receiving data and messages shall be consistent from one transaction to another and consistent with procedures for other information handling tasks.Not Applicable memory load on users. The system shall provide computer aids for automatic insertion of standard information, such as headers and distribution lists, in order to minimize memory load on the user.Not Applicable Messages shall be in accordance with the criteria in through Stored message forms. Where message formats conform to a defined standard or are predictable in other ways, pre-stored forms shall be provided to aid users in message preparation.Not Applicable existing files. Users shall be allowed to incorporate an existing data file in a message, combine several files into a single message for transmission, and combine stored data with new data when preparing messages for transmission.Not Applicable data. It shall not be necessary to reenter any data already entered for other purposes.Not Applicable Users shall be allowed to interrupt message preparation, review, or disposition and then resume any of those tasks from the point of interruption.Not Applicable group labels. Each individual data group or message shall contain a descriptive title, phrase, word, or similar device to designate the content of the group or message.Not Applicable of message labels. Labels shall be consistently located adjacent to (and preferably above or to the left of) the data group or message they describe.Not Applicable or critical messages. Labels shall use an accentuating technique different and easily distinguished from the method used to highlight or code emergency or critical messages.Not Applicable identification. Except for broadcast communication systems, the transmitter of each message in inter-user communications shall be automatically identified, if possible.Not Applicable When users must specify the address for messages, prompting shall be provided to guide the user in the process.Not Applicable Users shall be provided with a built-in directory showing all acceptable forms of message addressing for each destination in the system and for links to external systems.Not Applicable aids. Computer aids shall be provided so that a user can search an address directory by specifying a complete or partial name.Not Applicable addresses. Users shall be able to extract selected addresses from a directory for direct insertion into a header in order to specify the destination(s) for a message.Not Applicable displays. Geographic displays shall only be used for data that can be geo-referenced.Compliant Editable geographic coordinate displays allow users to enter a specific geographic location in one of several coordinate systems, such as decimal degrees; military grid reference system (MGRS); or degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS). Non-editable displays are system-generated values that match system or user-selected geographic coordinate system format.Compliant geographic coordinate systems. Geospatial displays should have the option to save a default geographic coordinate system (e.g., decimal, MGRS, DMS).Compliant display options. Geographic displays are normally composed of a base map, overlays, and individual drawings. To permit customization and decluttering functionality, a list of options of available visual elements should be available to the user. Functionality of these options may include, but is not limited to, the following elements: a. Toggle element visibility – the ability to show and hide individual visual elements. b. Opacity – the ability to control how many visual elements can be seen when overlapped with other visual elements. c. Precedence – the ability to set the order in which visual elements are layered over each other. d. Hierarchical grouping – the ability to apply the above functionality to both individual visual elements and logical groupings, as required.Compliant display drawings. If the user is provided the capability to draw on the geospatial display, the following functionality should be provided: a. Manipulation – drawings should be able to be moved, resized, or deleted after being initially placed. Resizing should include the capability to keep the aspect ratio locked. b. Zooming and panning – the user should be able to zoom and pan the underlying base map while drawing. c. Editing – relevant drawing properties (e.g., color, opacity, labeling) should be editable before and after the drawing is made.Compliant positioning. Drawings should be able to be aligned relative to other visual elements, such as other drawings or a grid overlay.Compliant
5.17.23Automated system displays. See 5.12.3.
5.17.24Coding of information. of coding. Coding shall be used to facilitate discriminating between individual views (e.g., different modes of operation); identifying functionally related displays; showing the relationships between displays; and identifying critical information, unusual values, changed items, items to be changed, high priority messages, special areas of the display, errors in entry, criticality of command entry, and targets.Compliant coding. Meaningful codes shall be used.Compliant coding conventions. Commonly used coding conventions should be used.Compliant on performance. Coding shall not reduce legibility or adversely impact user or system performance.Compliant coding. All coding within the system shall be consistent.Compliant The following visual characteristics may be used for coding: color, brightness, flash, size, pattern, location, underlining, symbol, or shape.Compliant crew display symbology. Air crew display symbology shall be coded in accordance with JSSG-2010 and MIL-STD-1787.Not Applicable
5.17.25Color coding. Color coding shall be in accordance with the criteria in through Color coding may be employed to differentiate between classes of information in complex, dense, or critical displays or to provide a means of indicating similarity among items (grouping items) along some meaningful dimension.Compliant view only. Color shall not be used for gaining attention outside the optimum visual field.Compliant Color coding shall be used consistently within a display and, where appropriate, across displays of other systems used by the same users.Compliant customization. Color customization by users shall be allowed only for information that is not tactically significant.Non-Compliant recognition. When the user must recognize categories of information (e.g., represent different variables on a graph, different types of information on a map) a maximum of 11 nameable colors shall be used to represent and distinguish between categorically different information.Compliant differentiation. When using color to group elements of a display together (i.e., to show parts are related or different) and the color has no meaning beyond a grouping function, colors should be discriminable.Compliant coding. Hue saturation may be used to indicate relative intensity (e.g., best, hottest, wettest, safest, deepest). The following are standardized uses of saturation that should be followed: a. Hotter to cooler where saturation changes from red to blue. b. More dangerous to less dangerous – saturation of red increases as danger increases.Compliant meanings. Colors shall be associated with the common meanings presented in table XL.Compliant colors. Cool colors (those with shorter wavelengths, such as blue or green) shall be used to display information used infrequently and to convey status of background information.Compliant colors. Warm colors (those with longer wavelengths, such as red or orange) shall be used to convey action or the requirement for a response.Compliant adaptation. When color coding is used, luminance shall be more than 10 cd/m2 (2.9 fL).Non-Compliant users. If the user population includes color-blind users, every effort should be made for non-confusable colors to be used for coding.Compliant coding. If non-confusable colors cannot be used for coding for color-blind users, redundant coding shall be used.Compliant color-blindness. Operational requirements occasionally result in the need to introduce protective eyewear, visors, or other filters in the optical path that are designed to absorb or reflect measurable and uniquely specifiable wavelengths of directed energy within the visible spectrum. This results in selectively induced color deficiencies or color blindness. As such, color coding in display design shall not be the only means of coding information for affected operational systems.Compliant size. When accurate color perception is required, the major dimension of isolated large symbols shall subtend not less than 8.7 milliradians (30 minutes) of visual angle and should subtend not less than 13.1 milliradians (45 minutes).Not Applicable height. When accurate color perception is required, the height of small symbols and characters should subtend at least 5.8 milliradians (20 minutes) of visual angle, as measured from the longest anticipated viewing distance.Not Applicable symbols. To enhance detectability and discriminability, color-filled symbols shall be used instead of outlined symbols.Compliant contrast and differences. contrast. Colored symbols shall differ from their background by not less than 100 ΔE (color difference) (CIE Luv*) distances when calculated using the formula below. The elements required for the calculation are the luminance (Y), the UCS coordinates (u’, v’) for foreground and background colors, and the maximum luminance for the display (YM). As with the (CIE Luv*) distances, caution should be used in assessing legibility for characters in colors having small luminance differences. This caution applies not only to characters in color but also to small luminance differences in background colors and for very small luminance differences between characters in color and background in color. Unusually large or small characters may lead to erroneous estimates of legibility. The metric is as follows:Non-Compliant differences. Colors in a set shall differ from one another by not less than 20 ΔE (CIE Luv*) distances when calculated using the formula below.Non-Compliant and background pairings for daytime or artificial lighting. Text 14-point font or less should have a luminance contrast ratio of above 4.5:1. Text larger than 14-point font should have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1. Black or dark text should be on a light background.Non-Compliant and background pairings for dark conditions. White or light text should be on a dark background.Non-Compliant
5.17.26Brightness coding. Brightness intensity coding should be employed only to differentiate between an item of information and adjacent information.Compliant intensity levels. No more than two levels of brightness shall be used, and each level shall be separated from the nearest other level by not less than a 2:1 ratio.Compliant inversion. When a capability for brightness inversion is available (so-called “reverse video” where dark characters on a bright background can be changed under computer control to bright on dark, or vice versa), it may be used for highlighting critical items that require user attention. When a capability for brightness inversion is available and when used for alerting purposes, brightness inversion shall be reserved for that purpose and not be used for general highlighting.Compliant
5.17.27Flash coding. Flash coding should be employed to call the user’s attention to mission-critical events only.Non-Compliant cycle. The percentage of “on” time shall be equal to but not less than the percentage of “off” time; a 50 percent duty cycle is preferred.Not Applicable rate. No more than two flash rates shall be used.Not Applicable rate differences. The two flash rates shall differ by not less than 2.0 hertz.Not Applicable flash rate. The higher flash rate shall be not greater than 5.0 hertz.Not Applicable flash rate. The slower flash rate shall be not less than 0.8 hertz.Not Applicable information. The higher flash rate shall reflect more critical information.Not Applicable rate synchronization. Items flashing at the same rate shall be synchronized.Not Applicable rate text. Characters that must be read shall not flash; an adjacent flashing symbol, flashing background, or alternating brightness intensity may be used to add emphasis to text.Not Applicable suppression. Event acknowledgment or flash suppression control shall be provided.Not Applicable area. Only a small area of a display should flash at any time.Not Applicable
5.17.28Size coding. No more than three size levels shall be used. The major dimensions of the larger size shall be not less than 150 percent of the major dimension of the smaller.Compliant
5.17.29Pattern and location coding. Pattern and location coding may be used to reduce user search time by restricting the area to be searched to prescribed segments.Non-Compliant
5.17.30Underlining coding. Underlining may be employed to indicate unusual values, errors in entry, changed items, or items to be changed.Non-Compliant
5.17.31Symbol coding. Symbol coding may be used to enhance information assimilation from data displays.Compliant selection. Symbols shall be analogs of the event or system element they represent or be in general use and well known to the expected users.Compliant symbols. When special symbols are used to signal critical conditions, they shall be used for only that purpose.Compliant close to words marked. When a special symbol is used to mark a word, the symbol shall be separated from the beginning of the word by one space.Compliant
5.17.32Shape coding. Shape coding may be used for search and identification tasks. When shape coding is used, the codes selected should be based on established standards or conventional meanings.Not Applicable

TABLE V. Acceptable system response times.

System InterpretationResponse Time DefinitionTime (Seconds)
Key response, including scroll wheels, optical wheels, mouse clicksKey pressed until positive response (e.g., “click”)0.1
Key printKey pressed until appearance of character0.2
Page turnEnd of request until first few lines are visible1.0
Page scanEnd of request until text begins to scroll0.5
XY entryFrom selection of field until visual verification0.2
PointingFrom input of point to display point0.2
SketchingFrom input of point to display of line0.2
Local updateChange to image using local database (e.g., new menu list from display buffer)0.5
Host updateChange where data is at host in readily accessible form (e.g., a scale change of existing image)2.0
File updateImage update requires an access to a host file10
Inquiry (simple)From command until display of a commonly used message2.0
Inquiry (complex)Response message requires seldom used calculations in graphic form10
Error feedbackFrom entry of input until error message appears0.2